
Getting around Costa Rica is easy, and there are several modes of transportation available, depending on your destination and your budget.

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Take a Public Bus

You can reach pretty much any populated place (and a lot of not-so-populated places as well) in Costa Rica by bus easily and inexpensively. It costs less than a dollar to get across town or from one small town to the next, and we traveled to destinations that were about 4 hours away for around $8.…[Read more]

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Take a Taxi

Whether you’re in a city or a small town, you’ll see taxis lined up waiting for passengers. We had read that you should only take red taxis with a “Maria” (meter). We followed this advice when hailing a cab; however, several people referred us to their favorite drivers whose cars weren’t red. Just be sure to ask what the fare will be to take you to your destination

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Hire a Tico Driver

This is one of our favorite ways to get around Costa Rica. It can also be one of the most expensive, but it is well worth it for an occasional adventure. Our drivers have shared fun stories and have taken us to places we wanted to see at a pace that allowed us to stop and smell the flowers, use the restroom, and grab a bite to eat. …[Read more]

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Drive Yourself

OK, to tell you the truth, the car in this picture isn’t ours. It belongs to our friends, Paul and Gloria Yeatman. We haven’t actually driven in Costa Rica yet as we have preferred to leave the driving to others. We are still looking into whether to take our vehicle with us when we move or not.


Costa Rica has two domestic airlines, Sansa and Nature Air. Fares are reasonable compared to comparable flights in the U.S., and it is a quick way to get to popular tourist destinations. Joe took this photo as we were boarding our flight from San Jose to Tambor on the Nicoya Peninsula. …[Read more]

Take a Retirement Tour

There are a lot of retirement tours available in Costa Rica. We have taken tours with George Lundquist and Jane Gregson as well as mini-tours with Jan Hart and Paul Yeatman. We met so many people and learned so much on these tours.