We want to introduce you to some of the people who have helped us explore retirement in Costa Rica. We appreciate the time these folks have spent answering our many questions and taking us places we might not have otherwise seen. But most of all, we appreciate the way they have openly shared their lives with us and the honest dialogs we’ve had with them. Please feel free to contact them by using the contact forms on their pages so they will know that we introduced you to them.

Aija, Negro, and George Lundquist
George Lundquist
Puriscal, Central Valley, Costa Rica
George was the first person we met via email and Skype when we started looking into Costa Rica in early 2011. We took his “Retirement Tour for the Non-rich” in April of 2012, and we gained a wealth of valuable information and experience. George also builds homes on beautiful view lots at affordable prices…[Read more]
Cecelia and Robert Smith
Robert Smith
Palmares, Central Valley, Costa Rica
Robert and his wife, Cecelia, own and operate a small complex of rental homes in Palmares, Alajuela. Their love of nature and their many years of hard work is on display in their beautifully landscaped grounds and impeccably maintained homes…[Read more]
Frank Thompson and Jan Hart
Jan Hart
San Isidro de el General, Southern Zone, Costa Rica
We first discovered Jan Hart and her late husband Frank Thompson while researching organic farms in Costa Rica. Frank offered opportunities to volunteer on his farm, and we were interested in doing that. We struck up an email friendship with Jan and later spent about 24 hours with them in San Isidro de el General…[Read more]
Andrew Partain
Andrew Partain
Atenas, Central Valley, Costa Rica
Andrew Partain has lived in Atenas since 2009. He works with RE/MAX, actively renting out properties, selling homes, and doing property management. We first met him by email, and then during our second trip to Costa Rica, he took us to see a rental home that we had seen and liked online…[Read more]
Paul and Gloria Yeatman
San Ramon, Central Valley, Costa Rica
We met Paul and Gloria on the first morning of our “George Tour” at their cabina near San Ramon, and we liked them immediately. We’ve kept in touch and enjoyed our visit and day tour with Paul during our second exploratory trip in 2013. You couldn’t ask for a more wonderful couple to help you explore retirement. …[Read more]